Friday, January 07, 2005


Marie and I reserved one full day to ourselves for Christmas shopping this year. We tried to get out early, drank a couple of stiff lattees from The Java Man and ended up going completely out of our minds and buying a TIVO for Blaine. After we had the TIVO locked in the car, we walked over to the Petsmart which was in the same strip mall, to, oh, get a couple of things for the dogs, which of course ended up to be MANY things for the dogs. Dont get me started on what that nut Marie will do for her dogs. Sure is a good thing, that I, myself, am not extravagant with the dogs.

Anyway, while at Petsmart, Marie and I saw a couple of beautiful birds, Lady Gouldian Finches, and I could tell by the look in her eye that it wouldn't be long before we had a pair ourselves.

So here we are, a couple weeks later, and we have them, in a large cage, along with their pals, a pair of Bengalese Finches, also known as "societies", which are renowned for rearing Gouldian babies (nestlings).
We also picked up a very nice female canary, to go with our male, so it won't be long before we will have some offspring of both kinds of birds in our little homespun aviary. Their beautiful song and flying about really adds to the ambiance on our first floor.

Visit Ric Seaberg's Website

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Pacific Beach, Washington, United States